Our People
Our People Are Our Power
People are our most valuable asset. We invest in their future. Our people grow in a unique culture of entrepreneurship, empowerment, servant leadership, lifelong learning, quality, safety and high ethical standards.

Stories From The Field
I love that the company is always encouraging us to be servant leaders and good stewards – not only in the field and the community, but in all areas of our life.
I enjoy the people I work with; it’s a great group both in the office and in the field; everyone works well together – which is why I remain committed to Pieper. It is a big company, but it has a small company feel.
From being immersed in the electrical field, which I had no prior experience in, to learning operational functions, CarolinaPower has taught me so much that has made me into a well-rounded professional. If I express interest in learning something new, our team is quick to help me gain more knowledge and push me to learn more than I thought I would.
I set goals for myself that I try to achieve by the end of the day. I’ll lay in bed in the morning and think, okay, I gotta get him to do this and him to do that. A good day for me is when everything goes according to plan, nobody gets hurt, and we all leave there safely.
I learn from my mistakes. When you learn from your own mistakes, then you listen and pick up on other people’s mistakes. If you just listen, the job will go right. Now it’s real easy — the people I work around, the way I was trained — it’s just a beautiful thing.
If you want something in life, you gotta work for it. You gotta want to do it. And once you’re in that system, you just keep going. I just keep doing my job.
Oh, yeah, I’m a better person for working. I try to be honest to myself, and, of course, if you’re honest to yourself, you’re pretty much honest with the people around you. I learned that if you work hard, you usually get rewards. A hard day’s work, a good day’s work, makes me feel good. Then I go home and I sleep pretty well.
I’ve always loved what I was doing, even those tasks that I didn’t like. The profit is in getting the community to trust you, to depend on you.
I’ve got a positive attitude, I’m not afraid to try something, I’m willing to learn. I work hard. I take pride in my work. I don’t like to cut corners. I like to know when I’ve walked away from a job that if somebody walks there after I’m done, and looks at it, and knows I did it, I’d be proud.
I don’t want to fail. I don’t want to set myself up for failure. So I just want to make sure that I don’t fail. People look at me and say, what are you doing there? And I say—I got the credentials and this is why I belong here. And I’ll show you—if you give me a chance, I’ll show you why I belong here.
Since I didn’t really have a father figure, I basically just taught myself to do stuff. Something just told me to quit whining and focus on something that I want to do. Something just drew me to this. Working with electricity was something that I had to do. I guess I wanted to be like my dad or something. I was excited. And I decided after a year off of high school to go back to school to get into the electrical field.
I like getting’ my hands in it. I like to go down a road and see a building and say, “I wired that. I did that job and it looks good.” It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy. It just makes me happy. It just tickles me when I can out-do somebody else. What’s your work? I can do it.
I look forward to coming to work every day. It’s not too hard to get out of bed. And if you do well, it pays well. Money’s important to everybody. It’s not the most important thing, but that’s what lets you have the things you want.
I’ll tell you, most of the people who work for me are a heck of a lot smarter than I am, a lot smarter. I do not believe that all men are created equal. I never believed that, I never will. Some people are more athletic, they’re born that way. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. You don’t get the same treatment, but if you want to and you’re willing to make the sacrifices it takes, you can be up there with anybody.
Everybody has to have a purpose. It is very satisfying to be able to take thoughts and make them physical — to be able to build things. It’s nice to be able to get thoughts out of your head, into the physical world, and help people make their lives better and safer.
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I’m a happy guy. Just getting up in the morning and going about my day is easy. It starts with values. Who you are is what you are inside. And I’ve learned that my greatest value is doing things for other people, make a difference in someone else’s life. That’s what makes me tick. It motivates me to do what I have to do, and help make a difference. Just seeing the results is probably the biggest rush.
I want to do my best, and if I am doing my best, I might as well do it the first time rather than numerous times. There’s also nothing wrong with doing it numerous times ‘til you get it right, cause that’s how you learn. You learn from doing it once or twice, but you strive to get it the first time. Each day is its own completion. I just strive to get to that point and be satisfied with it at the end of the day.
You do right wherever you’re at. There’s no I do one thing in one place and another in another. I’m not saying that I haven’t failed…I’ve failed lots of times…the secret is keep going back and trying over.
I can’t sit back and just let the world turn. I want to make a difference. I want to make things happen. Sometimes I can forget the basics and look at the overall picture, which can get overwhelming. But there is no substitute for rolling up your sleeves and digging in.
Our people thrive in the entrepreneurial structure of our company that encourages people to learn and grow. It’s why we’re still here and why we’re successful. We look for people with ambition and drive—an entrepreneurial spirit that recognizes the value of teamwork to foster a culture of collaboration rooted in servant leadership.

Continually Learning
Lifelong learning is a hallmark of our organization. Our commitment to the advancement of our employees’ skills, knowledge and personal development is unique to our industry. Every one of our people are both mentors and students, sharing their skills and knowledge with each other so we can grow together. Through lifelong learning we’re continuously recreating ourselves and shaping the future of our industry.