Service Tech Foreman
I’m not saying that I haven’t failed…I’ve failed lots of times…the secret is keep going back and trying over.
My dad taught me to work. My dad was a very good example. It’s not what he said, it’s what he did. When I was about a year-and-a-half old he had an accident and lost his arm. He overcame that handicap; he never let anybody do for him. He lived every day. I could see a quality in him that I liked.
At about 12 years old I got saved. One of the verses that’s real personal to me is “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Whenever you get saved you make the Lord Jesus the Lord of your life. To do the will of God, you’ve got to know what the will of God is, and the will of God is doing right, whatever that is. If you do right, then that is the will of God, simply put.
You do right wherever you’re at. There’s no I do one thing in one place and another in another. I’m not saying that I haven’t failed…I’ve failed lots of times…the secret is keep going back and trying over. And there’s a lot of heartache that comes your way through the years. You wonder, “why did that happen?” And you learn a lot from that. My dad’s passed away, my mother’s passed away, but I can reflect back on their lives and see the principles that they had are the same that I’m trying to achieve. That’s really been a big part of my life.
When I was young, I knew a lot more than I do now…or at least all young people think they do. As I’ve grown older, I’ve found out that I don’t know nearly as much as I thought I did. But from the experiences that I’ve had, I have seen the principles that I knew to be true. My spiritual life and work are one and the same. You can’t separate them. They’re hand-in-hand. I don’t know how else to put it. To do right, to do well.
To do right, to do well. That says it all.