PPC Foundation
Our Foundation exists to pass prosperity back to the communities in which we operate. We give back through wise, purposeful and compassionate service believing that it’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving that makes the difference.
Each year our foundation distributes 10% of our pre-tax profits between non-profits requested by our employees and the community. As a company, we care about what our employees care about, and we encourage each other to commit our talents and time to community involvement. We do so simply because it is a part of who we are, and we believe in giving back to the communities that have helped us grow. Service makes our people broader, deeper, more compassionate and understanding.

Mission Statement:
PPC Foundation will pass back to the community, through each Company as allowed by PPC Foundation policy, prosperity received through its Companies. It will support any operating needs of programs that are available to the entire population.
It is our intention to positively respond to each request from a valid organization. Our support will encourage those providing the services to achieve their quest to make this a better neighborhood, community and world. In this learning process, what the giver experiences in their service to the community may ultimately be more valuable than the services rendered.
Only charitable donations to nonprofit organizations that have tax-exempt status under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code will be considered.
It is the intent of the Foundation to support nonprofits in those geographic areas where our companies operate.
Not Eligible:
Private foundations, political and religious organizations, except for those with a social service program that operates separately from the church. The program must have its own tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Institutions where public tax support is the primary source of income.
It is the Foundation’s intent to maintain reserves equal to at least two years of gifts to ensure consistency in carrying out our mission. While it is the intent to positively respond to each request, potential recipient organizations must make an annual request to receive a contribution. We do not make contributions in a subsequent year just because there was a contribution in the current year.
If the intention of the serving organization is legitimate, you can expect a positive response. The magnitude of the response is dependent upon the profitability of our businesses. As a policy, we allocate 10% profit before taxes for contribution. If the Foundation does not receive your request by October 1st, there will be no calls or follow up to you and no monies will be donated for that year.
If you have any questions, please contact the Foundation at foundation@ppcpartnersinc.com.
Grant Guidelines
Grants < $500 require the following:
Written request and a copy of the IRS 501(c)3 designation from an established organization.
$500 ≤ Grants < $1,000, in addition to the above, require the following:
Listing of the Board of Directors.
Copy of an annual budget and expenses.
Definition of the mission of the organization.
$1,000 ≤ Grants < $2,500, in addition to the above, require the following:
Examination of the percentage of funds used for promotion, as opposed to the actual services from the mission of the organization. Anything less than 10% will be considered reasonable, 10-20% will be considered questionable, and more than 20%, for all practical reasons, will disallow support.
Grants ≥ $2,500, in addition to the above, require the following:
Copy of the long-range plans and goals for several years of the organization along with evidence that plan is being used.
Copy of an annual unqualified audit.
Involvement of an employee, retiree, or PPC Partners, Inc. Board of Director.
Documentation requirements for years subsequent to the initial approval include submitting the annual audited financial statements for grant requests greater than $2,500.
Only written requests will be considered and should be received January 1st through October 1st for consideration.
We will not pursue incomplete requests.
Organizations who fail to meet our request cycle (January 1st to October 1st) will have to submit a new request after January 1st.
All requests are reviewed in the fall with decisions made and checks distributed to all organizations by year end or shortly thereafter.